Let’s answer one of the most asked questions today, how does the B2B industry differ from B2C when it comes to dealing with customers? While the popular opinion these days may want to convince you that they are not as different, the real truth lies in the fact that ‘one size fits all formula’ is dead and is absolutely not applicable to the two industries alike. And the difference specifically between the two industries lies in the data complexity as B2B companies have a rather complex data structure as compared to that of B2C. B2B enterprises stand out for their intricate data structures and vast volumes of information, thereby adding on to the data complexity. 


It would not be wrong to say that B2B companies are now on the brink of having a digital revolution in a way that they want to experiment and deliver best digital experiences to their customers. However, there are some key challenges that differentiate B2B customer experiences from B2C experiences.  

The similarity between B2B and B2C lies in the expectations of the customers. B2B buyers now expect the same level of personalization and ease of use that they encounter in their B2C experiences. For instance, a B2B customer researching a product expects to find detailed information, helpful resources, and a user-friendly interface just as they would on a consumer retail site. 

This blurring of customer expectations is making it more challenging for the B2B companies to deliver on par experiences, let’s explore why it is more challenging for B2B companies than their B2C counterparts to deliver exceptional digital experiences.  

What are some of the key challenges of B2B digital experiences? 

There are several key factors that make B2B digital experiences more complex than B2C experiences. 

  • Multiple touchpoints: B2B customers engage with a company across various channels, including external and internal applications, customer portals, field sales solutions, and customer service platforms. Ensuring a seamless and uniform experience across these touchpoints is crucial, which means integration with and access to enterprise data. 
  • Product complexity: B2B products are often more complex than B2C products. They may have configurable options, unique customer requirements, and a wider range of data points such as environmental specifications or production information. This data is often stored in multiple systems, making it difficult to provide a unified view of the product to the customer. 
  • Customer agreements: B2B transactions often involve complex contracts and pricing agreements. These agreements need to be factored into the digital experience to ensure that customers are seeing accurate pricing and product information.  

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Traditionally, B2B companies have tackled the data challenge through two main approaches: 

Custom code and integrations: Many businesses opt to develop custom solutions, leveraging backend developers to integrate data from various sources. While feeling simple, this approach is resource-intensive and often leads to siloed data architectures. 

Building custom data layers: Another strategy involves building custom data layers to unify and manage enterprise data. While offering flexibility, this approach requires substantial investment in infrastructure and ongoing maintenance. 

But there is a solution, introducing Occtoo’s Experience Data Platform 

Occtoo’s Experience Data Platform is designed to transform how B2B enterprises access and utilize their data. By collecting data from various sources and unifying it into a single, scalable platform, Occtoo simplifies data management and accelerates digital initiatives. 

Here are some of the key features of Occtoo : 

Data unification: Occtoo seamlessly integrates data from diverse sources, including PIM, ERP, CRM, and DAM systems, eliminating the need for custom integrations. 

Segmentation and personalization: The platform enables businesses to segment data based on customer preferences, allowing for targeted and personalized experiences across touchpoints. 

Efficient data exposition: Occtoo empowers businesses to expose relevant data efficiently, minimizing the need for complex backend logic and reducing development overhead. 

Complex product structures: Occtoo streamlines the management of intricate product structures, allowing businesses to handle vast amounts of data with ease. 

Customer-specific context: By centralizing customer-specific data, Occtoo enables businesses to deliver tailored experiences while maintaining data governance and compliance. 

Faster time-to-market: With Occtoo, B2B companies can speed up digital projects, reduce development cycles, and achieve significant cost savings over time. 

Conclusion: Embracing the future of B2B digital experiences 

By making it easier to access and integrate enterprise data, B2B companies can create digital experiences that are more personalized, relevant, and efficient for their customers. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and sales. In addition to the points mentioned above, it is important to note that B2B companies also need to consider the user experience (UX) when designing their digital experiences. The UX should be intuitive and easy to use, even for complex products and transactions. By focusing on both data and UX, B2B companies can create digital experiences that are both effective and enjoyable for their customersBy embracing innovative solutions like Occtoo, businesses can overcome the complexities of enterprise data and unlock new avenues for growth and differentiation in the competitive B2B landscape. 

You can begin today! Get in touch and we’ll show you how!

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