Digital Product Passport (DPP) is a major change and will have a huge impact on your business, and how you manage it will all come down to your ability to unify and activate data. This will not be solved by one system.

First though, a bit of reference, the how’s and why’s of DPP and the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA)  


  • To enable sharing of key product related information that are essential for products’ sustainability and circularity, including those specified in Annex III of ESPR proposal, across all the relevant economic actors. Consequently, to accelerate the transition to circular economy, boosting material and energy efficiency, extending products lifetimes and optimizing products design, manufacturing, use and end of life handling.
  • To provide new business opportunities to economic actors through circular value retention and optimization (for example product-as-a-service activities, improved repair, servicing, remanufacturing, and recycling) based on improved access to data.
  • To help consumers in making sustainable choices.
  • To allow authorities to verify compliance with legal obligations.

Expected Outcome:

  • Deployed and validated at scale and real life setting Digital Product Passports in at least two value chains.
  • Report on further needs for standardization and specifications to ensure interoperability, security and acceptance by all the stakeholders.
  • Recommendations based on the lessons learnt for the deployments of DPP in other value chains.

CIRPASS is funded by the European Commission under the Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) and DIGITALEUROPE is leading the work strand on communication, dissemination, and stakeholder engagement.

Objectives (CIRPASS)

  • Present an unambiguous cross-sectoral definition and description of the DPP
  • Define a cross-sectoral product data model for the DPP with demonstrated usefulness for the Circular Economy
  • Propose an open DPP data exchange protocol adapted to the needs of CE stakeholders and propose such a protocol based on up-to-date digital technologies
  • Build stakeholder consensus on key data for circularity and related open European and global vocabulary standards to be included in the DPP for the batteries, electronics, and textiles value chains.
  • Develop use cases and roadmaps for piloting, deployment, and circular business value generation of cross-sectoral DPPs

With Occtoo you turn this new Enterprise data into Experience data, making it easier to build these new expected customer facing experiences. In other terms, you can activate multi-domain data from many different and fragmented data sources where these new data sets will live and be maintained. 

How does your old tech stack affect you? Why you need to rethink your approach!

The current "old" tech stack in many organizations is hindering fast changes like this will require. Typically, investments have been made in systems of records like CRM, PIM, and CMS to manage specific domain data. However, this results in fragmented data silos, making it challenging to provide a unified data experience on the frontends. 

As a consequence, companies are stuck in a cycle where innovation and launching new experiences require building everything from scratch, which is time-consuming and costly. This restricts digital teams and marketers from adapting to rapidly changing law requirements or customer behaviors. Projects can take over a year to launch, posing a significant obstacle in today's fast-paced digital landscape where agility is essential to close the gap between consumer expectations and brand initiatives. 

For companies to get closer to their customers, it is essential to not only constantly work with the consumer data but also to effectively use this data to launch initiatives with data expected and required from tomorrow’s consumer’s too build trust in the brand. If you’re too far behind in catching up with the digitally mature audiences of today, you’ve already lost round one of this battle!

It’s time to add an Experience Data Platform to your stack. Occtoo's Experience Data Platform help digital teams move into a new state, where they spend less time integrating and moving data, and more time being creative and innovating with data - shipping more digital initiatives to the market.  

If you would like to try Occtoo's Experience Data Platform, access our no-code studio and test it yourself!

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