How does Occtoo help you switch to a Composable way of building your eCommerce?
The concept of Composable Architecture is to have self-sustained systems providing support for individual functionality or sources of data while sharing all of this using various APIs. Read more in...
Getting started with Composable
Gartner predicts that by 2023, 60% of companies will seek composability in their tech investments to gain speed and agility. Are you one of them making this transition?
In this article you will...
Composable tech in 2023 is all about putting digital teams in the driver's seat!
2023 is shaping up to be an exciting year for composable technology. As organizations continue to look for ways to streamline their operations and improve efficiency, the use of composable technology...
Christian Reppien Trovatten, E-commerce Operations Team Lead at Outfit International talks digital success
We're interviewing some of the most influential people in the digital retail space to bring you some of the hottest insights and learn what's next for the future of customer experience in retail.
Stop letting data integration hold you back from launching new digital experiences
Launching new digital experiences promptly can be an issue when data can't flow seamlessly across channels in real-time, due to the technology stack being outdated and built-in silos.